Visual Communication - Bachelors

You Visionary

trophy Awarded

You Visionary is a project inspired by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs! We aim to provide a solution for the restraints involved in prototyping products for small businesses. Small businesses are in need of a platform that allows effective product prototyping in an affordable, digital arena. You Visionary is a solution that will not only improve representation, cost-effective exposure, and sales for small businesses in the creative industries it will also achieve a more effective customer shopping experience.You Visionary is an interactive app that acts as a business hub for customer and prototype interaction. It places all creative industry business products in one digital showroom. Customers can scroll through different businesses in the app and discover all their products on offer. You Visionarys' point of difference is that customers can then interact with the product prototypes through augmented reality technology.

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Phoebe Nicholson

Phoebe Nicholson is 21 years of age graduating with a Bachelor of Design, majoring in visual communications and minoring in screen studies. She is an enthusiastic designer passionate about many visual mediums, from photography, animation design, set design, production design, augmented reality, and interaction design. Phoebe hopes to one day apply her creative conceptual skills in the event and film industry. For the moment she is applying her skills in a start-up event and design business known as Verve Visionary. She is a hard-working and driven creative mind that uses optimism and a progressive perspective to effectively create eye-catching, purposeful, and engaging designs.