Visual Communication - Bachelors

Uni Brewing Company

Branding and packaging design for Uni Brewing Company a university-based microbrewery focused on producing great-tasting and approachable beer for students. The brand takes inspiration from university life and incorporates humour and wit through playful illustrations and copywriting.

Uni Brewing Company advertising posters with a person walking by.
Uni Brewing Company Deadline Double IPA beer can on a desk.
Uni Brewing Company Highly Distinct IPA beer can on a blackboard.
Uni Brewing Company Academic Penatly Sour Ale beer can on a bookshelf.
Uni Brewing Company beer mat on a desk.
Uni Brewing Company Deadline Double IPA crumpled beer can in a bin.

No beers were spilt in the making of this project.

Niall Walsh

Niall is a graphic designer whose creative work articulates humour and wit. He has an eye for detail and takes pride in every project he works on. Niall is passionate about craft beer, football, and music.