Visual Communication - Bachelors

HRW (How Are We)

HRW (how are we) is an Instagram campaign that focuses on the mental health of young people. A self-care and mental health-focused Instagram account, monitoring the increase of followers and encouraging others to contribute their own tales in the comments section.


As a designer of visual communication, I work with both old and new interactive media types. Utilize augmented reality animation, infographics, and visualization design to promote visual language in order to engage with people and provide a beneficial contribution to society. So my design concept is to design a brand on Instagram, the brand focuses mostly on the basic mental health concerns that affect youth and those who have them. Assist them in learning how to self-care and seek assistance. Produce items like phone cases or totes with AR code images (recycled bags) and sell them at trade shows. After deducting the necessary expenses, the remaining revenues may be contributed directly to the children’s hotline. And items such as recycle bags with artwork prints may be used in everyday life to aid others or even yourself. Post a positive message or picture to advise people or data regarding teens’ mental health to make an influence on how mental health difficulties may be equally as serious as physical health problems.

Hrw – (how are we)

HRW (how are we) is an Instagram campaign that focuses on the mental health of young people. A person’s mental health is defined by the WHO (World Health Organization) as “a state of well-being in which an individual understands his or her own talents, can deal with the usual stressors of life, can work successfully, and is capable of making an impact on his or her society.” An illustration-based approach to conveying the positive impact that design communication has on young people’s mental health. Incorporating augmented reality into a mental health data visualisation. It’s important for people to be able to express themselves and work through their issues. A self-care and mental health-focused Instagram account, monitoring the increase of followers and encouraging others to contribute their own tales in the comments section.

Mental health

Project Statement

Design Outcome

Motion design video

Nancy Wu

Nancy Wu (Tianjin, China) is a visual communication student at Queensland University of Technology. An illustrator and graphic designer. Working primarily as a visual communication designer for both traditional and new interactive media. Using the skills learned in graphic design, typography, information design, and motion design, as well as developing expertise with QUT and a focus on design that people can use in the real world.