Visual Communication - Bachelors

Free Soul – Exploration Cards

Free Soul - the brand to help girls with their mental health. Exploration Cards are Free Soul's first product release, created to ease the stress of future uncertainty that most girls feel in their lifetime.

Project significance

Uncertainty is all around us, never more so than in this crazy world we live in today. We want to have a sense of control over our lives, but sometimes life is overwhelming and we don’t know where to begin with out next step forward. Exploration cards give the user small fun and engaging tasks to aid them to make small steps forward to either inspire direction their your future, reveal new hobbies to give their life more purpose, or the simply fill in their time usefully and keep them in the present so they stop stressing about the future they can’t control.

When nothing is sure, everything is possible

Margaret Drabble

Free Soul Behance

Sheila Caskey

As a visual communication designer, Sheila's insightful and empathetic character sees every design project as an opportunity to create a meaningful and memorable experience. With a passion for creating unique designs, Sheila takes inspiration from the stories and cultures of the people she designs for, as well as inspiration from our physical surroundings. Her forever evolving design aesthetic is a variety of bold and edgy colours and minimalist illustrations.