Visual Communication - Bachelors

Fault Lines

Australians aspire to leave the world a better place for future generations. Whilst this has been the case in past generational progression, it not for the young people of today. With a decade of wage stagnation and a flatlining job market, substantially increased house prices, tax policies designed to benefit the older generation - young peoples aged 15-34 years who are beginning to try plan for their future are often limited by an anxiety of the inability to think long term. The publication ‘Fault Lines’ is a newspaper which uses data sourced from the Australian Bureau of Statistics to illustrate the widening wealth gap between the generations of Baby Boomers, aged 60 years over, and Young Millennials, aged 15-34 years, using real data to tell the story.


‘Fault Lines’ aims brings light to these issues through displaying data in a simple way whilst keeping the integrity of data and that allows people to understand the issues at hand. It aims to include both age groups as a target audience to create conversation both independently and collaboratively. This issue of ‘Fault Lines’ shows a total of 7 data visualisations in total each displaying different data of the generational gap in terms varying financials situations and costs. Using data sourced from Australia Bureau of Statistics (ABS) gave an unbiased overview of the state of all Australians


The digital extension of ‘Fault Lines’ aims to take a closer look at the data already presented. This offers a tech friendly opportunity to hone in on a specific generation, year and topic. The scope of this extension would be to include a multivariate interactive data visualisation with the experience entirely constructed by the user.

Lauren Cuskelly

Lauren Cuskelly is a fiercely driven young designer; a graphic artist, concept designer, digital illustrator and data visualiser. Constantly interested in prominent social issues, news-pieces and pop culture moments; this subject matter drives Lauren to make unconventional connections between the world around her, prompting ground-breaking commentary seen through her designs.