Visual Communication - Bachelors

Artwork Display Television App

My project concept is an app for the Smart TV, that takes internet data from the user’s weekly television activity, sorts them into genres and gathers suitable, relevant design aesthetics to create digital, abstract art pieces. Artworks are displayed on the television screen like a giant digital art frame. The program chooses the artworks for you, saving you the hassle of choosing and rotating them yourself.

Showreel Video

Personas & Relevant Artworks

User Personas

ABstract Artworks

Artwork Genres: First Three (Mary Wills): Mystery, Romance, Science | Second Three (Matt Wills): Action, Crime, Sport | Third Three (Alicia Wills): Drama, Lifestyle, Music | Fourth Three (Jack Wills): Comedy, Family, Fantasy

(Images ordered downwards in the grids. To be viewed from top-to-bottom.)

Full Project – Behance

Alexandra Sligar

Alexandra is a Bachelor of Design student majoring in Visual Communication at Queensland University of Technology. She is passionate about using visual media (graphic design + illustration) to convey ideas and information for effective comprehension by the viewer. She utilizes a user-centred, collaborative design process to produce impactful solutions that successfully meet user needs.