Visual Communication - Bachelors

AR Enabled

AR Enabled is a conceptual look into how augmented reality could be utilised in the realm of branding design and marketing as it becomes a mainstay technology in our society.

Project outcome

The final outcome of the project is a series of visual imaginings which aim to communicate the idea of augmented reality’s integration into everyday life through brand design. AR Enabled is not a blueprint of what AR branding will look like, but rather an attempt to imagine it. The goal of the imagery is to prompt the viewer to extrapolate on the ideas presented and ponder future possibilities. To demonstrate the concept, three use cases were created: a hot sauce brand, a book cover and a campaign poster.

3d render of hot sauce bottle with augmented reality cross floating in front of it.

Use Case #01 Holy Hot Sauce

Use case #01 looks at how AR could become an addition to the established idea of a branding package. For Holy Hot Sauce, a design brief and branding package were created, including an original logo, branding guidelines and product labels. Augmented reality was integreated into the label design as a way of demonstrating the potential it has to create novel user interactions. For example, a floating 3D graphic anchored to the hot sauce bottle would create a visual magnet drawing customers to the product.
3d render of a row of books with an augmented reality component floating in front

Use Case #02 AR Enabled Book

Use case #02 looks at the possibilities of AR in the creation of unique and engaging product packaging. Imagine this, a customer walks into a book store wearing augmented reality glasses and something catches their eye: objects floating in midair. They move closer to discover it is a 3D model anchored to a book. In that moment, the utilisation of augmented reality has successfully created an engaging customer experience. AR presents a host of new ways to craft unique touch points and brand interactions.
3D render of a bus stop poster advertising the Australian Red Cross with an augmented reality screen floating in front of it

Use Case #03 Campaign Poster

Use case #03 looks at how AR could be utilised to enhance advertising campaigns. In this scenario, a waiting passenger at a bus stop represents a captive audience. The augmented reality screen creates a novel digital experience without the need for hardware, such as screens and speakers. The implementation of AR in this way creates a much deeper level of user engagmenet. Audience interaction is expanded from an analogue to digital experience.

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Full Project

Zach Gatehouse

Zach is a visual communication major with a love for all things graphical. He enjoys experimenting with various mediums both analog and digital but is especially fond of branding and identity design, graphic art and digital illustration.