Visual Communication - Bachelors

27 Club: Concept & Branding

'27 Club' has emerged within Brisbane's nightlife scene as a bar and venue, catering for eccentric subcultures. Developed closely with the target audience, 27 Club aims to be an inclusive and intimate space for 18-to-25-year-olds while showcasing beloved local artists. Conceptually drawn from the infamous mystery of the 27 club, the establishment combines this elusive quality with punk and grunge complexions.

Logo of the '27 Club' with colour variations (red, pink, black and cream)
Typographic system for '27 Club'.
Colours for '27 Club': classic cream, poppy pink, cherry red and sooty black.
Keywords for '27 Club': upbeat, loud, dark, lively, creative, diverse, intimate, grunge, eccentric, punk, crafted, inclusive and mysterious.
Menu for '27 Club'.
Promotional posters for '27 Club'.
T-shirt design for '27 Club'.
Tote bag design for '27 Club'
Gravestone illustration for '27 Club'.

Sarah Logie

Sarah Logie (she/her) is a Meanjin/Brisbane-based visual designer with background in digital media management. With a passion for branding, concept development and layout design, Sarah utilises these skills in combination with her love for photography. She is particularly fond of local art, music and culture.